HI – Hawaii Feed-in Tariff Performance-Based Incentive

Title: Hawaii Feed-in Tariff Performance-Based Incentive


The Hawaii Feed-in Tariff Performance-Based Incentive is a Residential, Industrial, and Commercial program for those who have the following energy efficient measures installed: Tidal Energy, Wave Energy, Solar Thermal Electric, Photovoltaics, Landfill Gas, Wind, Biomass, Hydroelectric, Geothermal Electric, Municipal Solid Waste, Ocean Thermal, and Small Hydroelectric. The programs offers up to $.269/kWh. The system must be up to 5MW. This program was setup by the following legislation: HI PUC Decision and Order, Docket 2008-0273, HI PUC Order, Docket 2008-0273, and Hawaiian Electric Companies’ Tier 1 and Tier 2 Tariffs.  For more details use the following links and contact below:




Contact for more information:

Public Information – Hawaii PUC
Hawaii Public Utilities Commission
465 South King Street, Room 103
Honolulu, HI 96813
Phone: (808) 586-2020
E-Mail: Hawaii.PUC@hawaii.gov
Web Site: http://www.hawaii.gov/budget/puc


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