Make Solar & Wind Energy For Your Home Or Business

It used to be that installing a wind or solar system was cost prohibitive and unreliable. Over the past few decades, the technology has improved at such a fast rate that it makes sense for homeowners and business owners to make the switch to renewable energy.

 This can be achieved through the installation of an independent wind turbine or wind generator, or a solar panel system. Much, if not all, of the energy demand can be met with today’s current technological advances for a moderate initial cost.

 Additionally, states and local cities are now offering programs and incentives to help pay for renewable energy installations, and individuals and businesses can qualify for tax rebates and refunds.

There are several ways you can go about moving to renewable energy. The easiest, but costliest, is to hire a company to install a solar and/or wind system. The second option is to purchase a ready-made system and install it yourself.

 But what’s becoming increasingly popular is the approach of homemade and do-it-yourself wind generators and solar panel systems. With a few hundred dollars and armed with a copy of good plans, the average person can utilize everyday-items and make their own renewable energy machines.

 There are currently several well-advertised step-by-step plans for this purpose, but one has proven to be extremely useful for the beginner energy “engineer” who has no prior experience. recommends that beginners purchase the easy-to-read and very complete solar and wind plans by renewable energy professional, Michael Harvey. Harvey is well-known and respected in his field and lives in an energy-independent home in Australia, where he lectures and teaches on his frugal methods. Here is his official website where the complete set of plans costs around $40, which is the cheapest price online right now.


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