TVA – Green Power Switch Generation Partners Program

Incentive Type: Production Incentive
Eligible Renewable/Other Technologies: Photovoltaics, Landfill Gas, Wind, Biomass, Municipal Solid Waste, Small Hydroelectric
Applicable Sectors: Commercial, Residential
Amount: $1000 plus $0.12/kWh above the retail rate for solar and $0.03/kWh above the retail rate for all other eligible renewables
Maximum Incentive: None specified
Web Site:


Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), through participating TVA power companies, offers a production-based incentive program for the installation of solar photovoltaics (PV), wind, low-impact hydropower, and biomass to customers of the Tennessee Valley called Green Power Switch Generation Partners. The energy generated from participating projects is counted towards the green power resources for TVA’s green pricing program, Green Power Switch.  
TVA purchases the entire output of a qualifying system at $0.12 per kilowatt-hour (kWh) above the retail rate for solar and $0.03/kWh above the retail rate for all other eligible renewables. TVA retains sole rights to any renewable energy credits. The power is purchased through a participating power company and payment is made in the form of a credit issued by the local power company on the monthly power bill for the home or business where the generation system is located. If a system produces more electricity than it consumes, payment for the excess generation will be issued either monthly or annually, at the discretion of the power company. All new participants in the Generation Partners program will receive a $1000 incentive to offset the upfront cost of the system.  
The installed capacity goal for the entire program is 200 megawatts (MW). The production incentive is available for a minimum of 10 years from the signing of the contract, regardless of the amount produced. Systems must have a minimum output of 500 watts AC and a maximum output of 999 kilowatts. Installations must also comply with local codes and adhere to guidelines established by the program. All equipment must be in compliance with environmental regulations and national standards, certified by a licensed electrician, and meet all applicable codes. Systems are dual-metered and must have an external disconnect switch, must complete an interconnection agreement, and be grid-tied.  
As of March 2009, there were 71 distributors in seven states participating in the Generation Partners program; participation is at the discretion of the power company. For a current list of power companies participating in the program, refer to the Green Power Switch Generation Partners program web site.


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