Solar Panels on Roadways?


More than $1 million has been raised to pursue the idea of paving the roads in the U.S. with solar panels. Yes, you read that right.

Think it’s not viable? Well, Julie and Scott Brusaw disagree.

Together, they started Solar Roadways and so far they have built prototype parking lots that can put up with the weight of a 250,000 pound truck.

From The Verge:

In theory, the idea could work: replace all the nation’s asphalt with solar panels, and we’d generate more than three times the electricity the US uses. Solar Roadways’ design would also filter stormwater, replace above-ground power cables, prevent icy roads by melting snow, and light up to warn drivers if a moose wanders onto the road

To read more, check out their article, here.

Be sure to check out their video below. It will blow your mind.


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