HI – Solar and Wind Energy Credit (Corporate)

Title: Solar and Wind Energy Corporate Tax Credit in Hawaii


The Solar and Wind Energy Corporate Tax Credit is a Multi-Family Residential, Commercial, and Residential program for those who have the following energy efficient measures installed: Solar Thermal Electric, Solar Water Heat, Wind, Solar Space Heat, and Photovoltaics. The amount offered is up to $500k. The following legislation setup this program: SB 855 , SB 3162 , HB 2957HRS §235-12.5, SB 644 and SB 464. For more details use the following links and contact below:



Contact for more information:

Information Specialist
Hawaii Department of Taxation
Taxpayer Services Branch
P.O. Box 259
Honolulu, HI 96809
Phone: (808) 587-4242
E-Mail: Taxpayer.Services@hawaii.gov
Web Site: http://www.state.hi.us/tax


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