IA – Energy Replacement Generation Corporate Tax Exemption

Title: Energy Replacement Generation Corporate Tax Exemption


The Energy Replacement Generation Corporate Tax Exemption is a Residential, Commercial, Industrial, and Local Government program for those who have energy efficient improvements made with the following: Landfill Gas, Wind, Self-generators, and Hydroelectric. The program offers 100% tax exemption. The following legislation setup this program: Iowa Code § 437A.6, Iowa Code § 437A.3(27), and S.F. 478 (Sec. 225). For more details use the following links and contact below:

Contact for more information:

Dale Hyman
Iowa Department of Revenue
Hoover Building, Taxpayer Services
1305 E. Walnut
Des Moines, IA 50319
Phone: (515) -28-1-33
E-Mail: dale.hyman@Iowa.gov


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