Federal – Bio-refinery Loan Assistance Program




The Federal Bio-refinery Assistance Loan Program is a Rural Electric Cooperative, Agricultural, Institutional, Commercial, Industrial, Local Government, Construction, Utility, State Government, Tribal Government, Fed. Government, Municipal Utility, and Investor-Owned Utility program for retrofitting, development, and construction of commercial-scale bio-refineries including: Ethanol, bio-diesel, Landfill Gas, Biomass, and Municipal Solid Waste. The program offers up to $250 million loans with a 20 yr term. The following legislation set up this program: H.R. 8 (American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012), 7 CFR 4279, Subpart C, and 7 USC § 8103. For more details use the following links and contact below:


Contact for more information:

U.S. Department of Agriculture
Business and Cooperative Programs
Mail Stop 3201
1400 Independence Avenue SW
Washington, DC 20250-3201
Phone: 202-690-4730
Phone 2: 800-877-8339
Fax: 202-690-4737


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