CA – LADWP Non-Residential Custom Performance Utility Rebate Program in California

Title: LADWP Non-Residential Custom Performance Utility Rebate Program in California

Program Details:

The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) Non-Residential Custom Performance Utility Rebate Program offers Agricultural, Commercial, Nonprofit, Local Government, State Government, Fed. Government, and Industrial customers rebates who install the following energy efficient items: Motors, Refrigerators, Lighting, Cool Roofs Lighting Controls/Sensors, Chillers , Central Air conditioners, Compressed air, Roofs, Motor VFDs, and Others pending approval. The maximum residential incentive is from .05/kWh for lighting to .14/kWh for AC and refrigeration. An application needs to be submitted. For more details use the following links and contact below:

Contact for more information:
Non-Residential Rebate Programs
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
111 N. Hope St
Room 1057
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Phone: (213) 367-3436
Phone 2: (818) 342-5397
Web Site:


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